I have always been one of those girls who loved fairy tales and romantic chick flick movies where the guy is unbelievably sweet and treats the girl like a princess, for no reason at all other than because he wants to. I never thought this was possible to exist or that it would even happen, I also hoped that in some way it would. Little things are always more important to me than big grand gestures, but buying me things for no reason, and showing me how you care and taking what I love and incorporating that is all I could ever ask for, in fact it would be more than I would ever ask for.
Before I tell you where this is going I need to also tell you something else about myself, and that is that my parents have alwaays paid for everything. What do I mean by this? Well whenever I would go out to dinner with family members or their friends or anything they would never let any pay, in fact I became the one to steal the check from the other party if it came down to it. To add to this fact my grandparents are the same way, when my mom used to pay my poppop for babysitting me during the week she would have to hide the money on his fridge and then we had to run so that he couldn't try and give it back to her becuase it would object to the amount she had left.
So now to why this all matters, my boyfriend is the greatest gentleman ever, the only problem? I don't know how to play the typical "princess". For examples he ALWAYS pays, it doesn't matter where or what or when I'm not allowed. I get that it makes him feel like a man and blah blah blah, but always?! No he works hard I should be able to pay sometimes or help or something. He holds the door open for me, in fact will give me a look if I try and beat him to the door, and he is determined to "spoil me." To what I have told him is that I do not need such things and he merely responds, well it is what I want to do, I like to give gifts.
So today his latest idea is to ask me what my favorite kind of jewelry is, which is already a red flag that flies into the air when I read this. What is he planning especially so close to his own BIRTHDAY!
Many people who will read this I am sure will just say SHH and be happy, take it in because it won't last or because not every guy is like that, and believe me I know and I do appreciate it, but my thing is what am I supposed to do to make him feel like I put in just as much as he does. Is it possible to have the fairytale? And do I just need to get over it and let him do these things for me?
Who would have ever thought that a girl who loves all the romantic fairytale stuff would basically get that and have no idea on what to do and how to handle it..
Fairytales should of fixed this problem in them as well..