Sunday, November 28, 2010


As it is Sunday in the middle of a day where everyone watches football and cheers for their favorite team I am finally at a point where the craziness of this holiday is pretty much over. Having recovered from eating entirely way too much food on Thursday at my aunt's house, and then my mom making a turkey for our own "personal Thanksgiving" on Friday, I can say that I love this holiday. To me Thanksgiving isn't just eating all this food that by the way is absolutely delicious, but it is also getting together as a family and being happy that everyone is all in the same place for a day without people going and doing other things in normal busy lives. Yes, families can be crazy and hectic and lots of chaos but I don't think that the holiday would be the same without the imperfections that come out when everyone is in one house for a long period of time. I love my family and this holiday for bringing us together, it is a day that I am truly thankful for the people in my life that mean so much to me, and then to spend it with them.
 Now that Thanksgiving is over and December starts on Wednesday I can start to be excited for Christmas and the feeling that Christmas brings with it. I hope everyone elses Thanksgivings were awesome too, and a late Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Friday, November 19, 2010


So as I am sitting here trying to think of something to blog about this week, many things keep swirling around in my brain. First would be that tonight I get to go pick my cousin up from the airport because she is staying through Thanksgiving. I am really excited that she is coming out, but then I remember that this means that now my time will have to be managed better because there are still two more days left of school before thanksgiving break, and I am sure that I will have some sort of test next week so teachers can get it in there right before break. Plus a month ago I had decided I would try and get the rest of my applications done during thanksgiving break so I wouldn't have to worry about them, but as far as when I am going to fit that in between Blue Gold on Sunday and showing my cousin around I have no idea. On top of all of this, would be the craziness that I feel around this time because TV commercials have Christmas commercials already when it isn't even December yet, and yesterday I heard a Christmas song on the radio which to me is just too early, because Thanksgiving isn't even over yet, and people are worrying about what gifts to get people and all the crazy marked down prices in stores so you can get ahead and buy your presents early. At this point I wish time would freeze for just a couple days at least so I can catch up and not feel like there is a constant sprint till the next test, next assignment, next application deadline, all trying to compete for time in a day that just doesn't seem long enough.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Truth.. A word that evokes sadness, happiness, and many other emotions. Most people are aware of the game people play on Facebook called truth is.. Many say that they want to know the actual truth, but I have seen examples when someone said the honest truth about someone, and they got upset or mad at that person. I feel that this generation and many other generations say that they wish to know the truth about things, but in reality do not understand the gravity of this statement. In the story Allegory of the Cave that we read in class brings up a good point that once someone finds out the truth, they can no longer go back to the ignorance. There is another saying that says Ignorance is Bliss. Well in my opinion I would have to agree. Sure ignorance means that you are unaware of it and that way things could seem happy when really they are falling apart, but being ignorant to that situation doesn't make it bliss or better. I understand that knowing the truth can hurt or be upsetting, but in the long run you would be better off. The greatest example I can see of this is with friendships in high school.  Many students will tell you that some of the "friends" they have aren't true friends because they will hear stories about what they say behind their backs. For me I would rather know the truth about why someone is talking to me or being my "friend" than assume that they are and turn out to not be. For many knowing the truth is not something that they would want and that's okay;however, for me I would rather to know then to not know, no matter the circumstances.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The contribution I feel I bring to class would be silence.  Silence in this sense wouldn't be sitting in my desk listening to what others are saying and not speaking because I have no interest.  I am silent because I absorb what others are saying and their opinions on whatever we are reading or doing in class. I use others opinions to broaden my horizon and make my perspective on a certain piece of literature better because I can then see it from other points of views than just my own.  Some may say that being quiet and just listening isn't always a good thing because then no one knows what your opinion is.  Well I have to say that I understand where they are coming from, but I feel that always speaking and never listening to what others have to say isn't good either. So as a rule for myself, I try to voice my opinion on some topics and listen to what others have to say on others. I feel that doing both will help me to succeed better in the long run then if I only did one or the other.