Sunday, November 28, 2010


As it is Sunday in the middle of a day where everyone watches football and cheers for their favorite team I am finally at a point where the craziness of this holiday is pretty much over. Having recovered from eating entirely way too much food on Thursday at my aunt's house, and then my mom making a turkey for our own "personal Thanksgiving" on Friday, I can say that I love this holiday. To me Thanksgiving isn't just eating all this food that by the way is absolutely delicious, but it is also getting together as a family and being happy that everyone is all in the same place for a day without people going and doing other things in normal busy lives. Yes, families can be crazy and hectic and lots of chaos but I don't think that the holiday would be the same without the imperfections that come out when everyone is in one house for a long period of time. I love my family and this holiday for bringing us together, it is a day that I am truly thankful for the people in my life that mean so much to me, and then to spend it with them.
 Now that Thanksgiving is over and December starts on Wednesday I can start to be excited for Christmas and the feeling that Christmas brings with it. I hope everyone elses Thanksgivings were awesome too, and a late Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


  1. Though Thanksgiving is a great and extremely busy holiday, I have to agree with Rachel on this. I sometimes think that holidays were only made in order to get families to spend time together and join each other under one roof for some kind of feast. This is a merry time though because everyone is in a jolly mood because of the festivities, and now we can only expect more because of Christmas' fast approach. I can't wait.

  2. Thanksgiving is truly a time to share with the family. I ate so much food that day and I have continued to eat the extra food we've had in the refrigerator from that day. It was very delicious. Although, it does bother me when people are already talking about Christmas, such as playing music or putting up decorations, before Thanksgiving has even passed. Thanksgiving is a very nice Holiday and one that began in our country. Americans should cherish this holiday, especially because it is a time to give and be thankful for all we have been blessed with. I had a happy Thanksgiving and I can see Rachel did too. I am starting to prepare for Christmas now that Thanksgiving has officially passed. I just love the holidays.

  3. I also love Thanksgiving because my family always has drama and we never see eachother. Thanksgiving is the one day of the year we all get together without drama or fighting. Despite everything that goes on all year, on Thanksgiving everyone is happy to be together. Even if we are forced to spend time together and be happy, I am very very thankful for it. Now Christmas is less than a month away which means more family time! I love it!
